Exclusive Primrose Floral Dress Ensemble
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Primrose Floral Dress Ensemble
Limited Outfits by Philllipa are available as a separate option.
(Ihor Shoes are not included. They are sold as a separate option)
🌸🌹🌸Dresses are made of Soft and Delicate cotton spot voile, lace and Broderie anglaise, and floral fabrics combined with silk and paper flowers. Tie Belts are all adorned and sewn by hand, as are the Headbands, and White Stockings.
Phillipa made the HULA HOOPS of green flocked pile as a bonus gift.
All Dresses are Rose Garden theme🌹
Clothing will be sent home with your Primrose
Thank you for dressing Primrose in beautiful Party Dress attire!!!
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